Tuesday, February 23, 2010

To Start:

There are so many places to get information in today's world. With the instantaneous dissemination of everything that is happening in the world, judgments of those happenings have become ever faster and more vociferous, making many of the information sites that are available very hard and negative. It seems like every person has some kind of criticism about every event, and if you, the reader or listener or watcher, don't agree then you are worthless and utterly wrong. Many of these voices are quite liberal; I am quite conservative. So I am here to make a place for conservative thought. I do not mean the kind of conservative thought that comes from the likes of Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly. To me those people are not conservative, they are hateful. I am talking about the kind of conservative thought that is centered around faith, charity, and kindness. I don't think it matters what religion a person is or what political thoughts they espouse. I think what matters is that people act faithfully according to their beliefs and that they uphold and keep values that matter.

Inevitably, we all make judgments of others and I'm sure I will make a fair amount of judgments in my writings.

Judging on some level is just plain necessary to get through life. We have to learn how to judge what is right from wrong, and we have to learn how to judge safety from danger. So judging is not bad; usually the ideas on which people base their judgments are wrong. The biggest criteria for making a judgment is “that person thinks differently than me; they are wrong and stupid”. Conservatives and liberals alike do this. This is what our society trains us to do from a very young age. We are taught to scorn anything that is different, or even dissimilar. I think we really need to start doing less judging and having more compassion; when we do judge ideas it should be based on their actual merit instead of just following what some article on the internet told us to believe. This is a change I have been trying very hard to make in my life. I am definitely not perfect about it, but I am trying. I have found that I just have no room in my life for the negativity that comes from such blind judging. I also don't want to inadvertently pass such attitudes along to my children. I want to teach them to do what is right, to have faith, to be compassionate and charitable. I do not want to teach them to be judgmental. So this blog is devoted to positive thought. Since it is my blog, it will invariably be full of my thoughts on subjects of my choosing, and it will be full of my judgments. I hope they are fair, and I hope this can be inspiring to other people besides myself.

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