Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Children Are An Heritage of The Lord

One of my favorite scriptures comes from the book of Psalms in the Bible. It is Psalm 127:3 and reads : “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord...” I love this scripture! It reaffirms everything I feel as a mother, and perfectly explains the special feelings a parent has for his/her child.

Today has been an average day. Nothing incredibly remarkable has happened and my baby girl has not done anything amazing. In fact, right now she has just woken up from her nap and is unusually grumpy. But I love her so :) Today and every day I am grateful for every second I have with her. She brings a smile to my heart every moment of every day. I will be forever grateful that I have been blessed to be a mother. People think I am crazy when I say that I want to have a lot of kids, but really, I would rather do nothing else. Even if I have to sacrifice a career and beauty and fashion and prestige and all the other things that the world says make women worthwhile, I do not care. I am a mother :D

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